Talking Yoga and well-being practices with Ebba Gyalog, Sanna Ansaldo & Flow & Grow Community
1. Who are you, what is your story, and how did you two meet?
We are Ebba and Sanna, two free spirits that met about two years ago on a yoga teacher training. We were on a similar journey, so there is no coincidence that our paths crossed. We connected straight away in our shared love for yoga and holistic health, wellness, playfulness, values and moral principles. The connection has always been there and now we are sisters with similar visions, lifestyles and passions which are perfectly combined together and challenge as well as stimulate and complete us both.
2. What is Flow and Grow community, and what is the intention behind the offerings?
Flow and Grow is a self-growth community that creates events such as social gatherings, lectures, workshops and retreats where we gather and connect like minded people. We also have an online community, where our purpose is to create a warm and welcoming space where you can share experiences, ask questions, maybe find a new friend, lover or business partner and feel connection in a group.
Our intention is to create a place for you to flow and grow in a community where you feel supported. To flourish both personally and professionally through wellness. We want to build and grow a community where people can have fun, make friends, hang out, try new things, find purpose and be encouraged to follow their dreams and goals.

3. How do you find it combining friendship with partnership?
We talked about this, and we feel lucky that it's yoga that is our shared passion, so that we're not stuck working with something we don't like, haha... We live what we teach, and we're very open. If something comes up, we talk about it straight away.
We believe that communication is key, and that makes it easy to work together. We love each other unconditionally and with that prerequisite already integrated conflicts seldom appear and if they do we allow them to and solve them together. Patience, respect, communication, love, and a lot of laughter.
4. Do you have practices to enhance your well-being in your daily life that you would like to share with us?
We both practice yoga and meditation daily, live compassionately with ourselves as part of this earth by being vegan and careful about what we put into our temples. Daily practice of breathwork and journaling helps clear the head.
5. Can we practice with you?
Yes, we both hold space in a variety of practices such as yoga (rocket, vinyasa, hatha, yin), meditation, breathwork, healing and different types of circles/ceremonies, mostly in Stockholm. We're also holding our first retreat together in April at lovely Högberga Gård in Lidingö and we're sooo excited about this! It will be a beautiful space where you will experience sensations such as disconnecting from everyday life with all the musts and take time to reconnect with yourself to be the best version of you. A wellness weekend full of energizing yoga, playground sessions, steamy sauna meditation, spa and joyful togetherness.
Thank You Ebba & Sanna for sharing your story with us! We adore to see you two together creating community and sharing your sistership in such an authentic way.
If you are interested in seeing more of these two lovely sisters we suggest that you follow their account on Instagram @ebbagyalog @sannaansaldo @flowandgrowcommunity